threw down hard on this... got the chinese brock,fried tilapia,and the infamous crabs with suka and tomatoes and salted egg!

this is what im using for now while i save up for the iphone. yea i decided that the iphone would be a better fit for me and what i like to do. frado is lending me his awesome sidekick for now. thx brada. its good for those who love to text and surf the web. stay tuned for iphone bloggin.
Dude with the way you go through phones, you better get an iPhone made of titanium with a diamond glass cover... Otherwise you'll be needing a replacement a week after you get it! :P
mmmmm tilapia. i'm getting hungry.
Hoy where's the steak!!!
Man, I love using those kind of crabs in soups.
Good stuff
CHIIIHUUUU that looks like some killer grub man when can i swing by for some killa dinna?
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